I discovered a little button in Image Ready that will make all the difference. Such a tiny thing that has a huge effect, makes you wonder why it's hidden. It has to do with the way .GIF files are optimized when saved. When the image is a transparancy, it's outlined as part of being saved. Like a cartoon. If you match the color of that inevitable outline to the color of the background the line effectively disappears. Imagine an actual transparancy outlined in white held over a white piece of paper. This outline messes up things royally when the transparancies are stacked in a table to animate at different speeds. I discovered IR, the new version anyway, gives you the choice of "none" in the place where you select matte color in the optimization palate.
Now let's see what sort of mischief we can
get up to.
GIF transparancies
Go ahead and skip October
The last few days of this month I copied all my content to alternate servers and show it here. I did that because my service provider proved untrustworthy. I became uncharacteristically angry when forced to hold for hours in order to talk to somebody, and then doubly angry at having to do that twice. This is the second time this has happened with service providers, it was the reason why I got them, Startlogic, in the first place. Anyway, this is all the poo that happened when I first attempted Photoshop.
Point taken.
London poster
The original says care beneath watchful eyes.
Remember the American Gatsby partied with his friends in the seedy section overlooked by an omnipresent billboard featuring a giant eye peering through a monocle advertising a local optometrist, which felt to them to be continuously observing their nefarious activity. Now there's a graphic not easily dismissed.
Malloch Brown
Deputy Secretary General U.N.
Squeezed four pictures with one tiny back and forth anim and without the benefit of a table. This was a lot of trouble just to try something and I must say not the slightest bit worth it. The code on this is ridiculous. I was trying slices in Image Ready. It makes sense when only a small portion of an image is animated, but what an insane bother.

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Please notice the birds exchanging decidedly unsweet nothings in midair. Charm'n, innit? You know these creatures reek. They are vultures, after all. Their heads are bald because they've made a habit of sticking them into the inside of carcasses and out there on the savanna there's not always a readily available headbath.
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Some guy wrote an article that said the converse of this and illustrated it with a series of clip art like ↑ this so I used his clip art, elaborated and replaced, used in an email to him. That is all. It's stupid, yes, but he started it, and this is at least 10x more creative. Asshole. Sort of irks me people get paid for opining poo like that, then, because you're so idiotic the point must be illustrated -- illustrate pooishly.
Unless of course, like myself, he's merely learning and having fun, then never mind and all's forgiven.
Weland had a greater
This is one of my brother's favorite spots.
One of my brothers, one of his favorite geographic locations.
He likes to bring people to this spot. Just now, he mentioned taking his new wife there.
To the left of the frame is Fort Point, as martial a maritime post as can be imagined and rather grim. Put there at a time when San Francisco accepted a military presence and just in time to be completely outdated by serious advances in ballistics. To the right, portable toilets.
I know. Where's the helicopter and shark?
Jennifer Wilbanks
Remember her?
She ran away from her own wedding. Claimed she was kidnapped by a black guy. Created a BFnationalD. Was made to do community service and repay the couple million it took looking for her. ←last part not true. The thing is, you knew she was twisted right off when they started showing pictures of her. She purposefully widens her eyes ridiculously for photographs, for a reason unknown and this is only my customary 12% exaggeration for dramatic effect.
bible belt
My sister doesn't like this. She says it makes
it look like the bible is squeezing people.
Therefore, I made it small
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